Section 4, unit 1

Course Name: Automated Trading with IBridgePy using Interactive Brokers Platform, Section No: 4, Unit No: 1, Unit type: Document


I am having trouble with running commands on the cmd. I tried to solve this using youtube videos, still not working. i attached the screenshot. I appreciate your help.





Hi Noor,

Currently, it seems like you haven't specified a valid command.

For example, you can use 'cd' followed by the path, in order to 'change the directory'.

Can you try out the below command and let me know if it worked for you?

cd C:\Users\Noor\Desktop\IBridgePy_Win_Anaconda38_64

And, after the above command has run, the following line can be used to run the file 


A second alternative would be to directly open cmd in the desired folder, you can achieve this by following the instructions mentioned on the page.

Lastly, I'm also sharing along, a reference link that will help you learn more about the use of some basic cmd commands.

I hope this was helpful.