Why is the maximum capital limit set to 100000000

Was trying to set capital to 100cr on the blueshift platform but getting an error that only 10cr is the maximum limit possible. Any reason for this ? And any work around ?

This is restriction to make sure users do not put a very large number inadvertently. At a very large size of capital, the default slippage model may no longer be applicable and may require custom slippage models and extra data. We have chosen (somewhat subjectively) a 1B mark for this.

@prodipta 1B might seem a lot in case of USD but not sure for INR market this is enough. No work around is it?

I think you are right. For lower frequency strategies that we can develop on Blueshift, the limit in INR may be a tad too low. We will relax this restriction in our next update (ETA is around Nov). But unfortunately there is no work around this from the site at present.