What would be the output for the below line of code?

Dear all

In section 8, Unit 17 of the Python for trading: Basic course, you ask What would be the output for the below line of code?  

print (df.loc [: 4, 'Close Price'])

The answer that it admits as correct is "A".

My answer has been "C", for the following reasons.

When we use .loc we are passing the name of the columns ['Close', 'Open'] which is correct, but for the index we are using the name of index 4, so it returns  error:

This error means the following: "You are asking me to find the row with name 4, but such row does not exist, because your rows have date names Datetimeindex".

On the other hand, if I reproduce the sentence in my jupyter notebook, it returns the error

TypeError: cannot do slice indexing on DatetimeIndex with these indexers [4]

What is it that I do not understand or do wrong?

The error is mine when I did not realize that the index of the DataFrame used in the course is numeric and therefore, 0 and four are two indexes, not two positions, while in the DataFrame that I use, the indexes are dates.

Hi Efueyo,

Glad to know you were able to debug the error. 

Thanks & Regards,
