Using scipy.signal.argrelextrema for Higher high and Lower low

Cureent i am using scipy.signal.argrelextrema  for Higher high and Lower low and i am able to find but the Last point of max_idx, min_idx is not confimated  any solution on it? or 

i am looking confirmed Higher high and Lower low on current price

max_idx = argrelextrema(df['Close'].values, np.greater_equal, order=21)[0]

min_idx = argrelextrema(df['Close'].values, np.less_equal, order=21)[0]

Hello Shirish, can you please explain what you meant by 'the Last point of max_idx, min_idx is not confimated'? 

Any example or a peek into your results would be great info for me to answer this query clearly.

Thank you