Uploading codes in Blueshift

I have just logged into Blueshift, I have following doubts,

  1. I am unable to open the python codes file provided by you.
  2. How to upload python codes into blueshift for pair trading strategies backtesting.
  3. How to change tickers in codes
  4. Can I backtest multiple pairs
  5. Do I have to provide data from my end to blueshift for backtesting
  6. Can I get alerts in Blueshift on real time when it satisfies specified conditions in inttraday timeframes

    7) Can I get alerts in Excel sheet in real time when it satisfies specified conditions in intraday timeframes.

Hi Shiva,

  1. The codes are provided in two sections a live trading template and a ZIP file in the course summary. For example in the "Statistical Arbitrage for Trading" course, in Section-6, an HTML file has been provided. You can click on the backtest button in that file to open the strategy in Blueshift. 

    The codes provided in Section - 9 are in ipynb format and can be opened in a jupyter notebook. For installation and usage instructions for the Jupyter notebook, you can refer to the following blog - 


  2. You can upload the python codes using the "Upload" button. You can refer to the following image for the same.

    Image - https://d2a032ejo53cab.cloudfront.net/Glossary/ukiQdI3S/UPLOAD.png

  3. In Blueshift, you can use the symbol method to change the ticker names. The documentation link for the same is attached below - 


  4. It is currently not possible to parallelly backtest pairs trading strategy with multiple pairs on Blueshift. You can do it on a jupyter notebook.

  5. No. The data is already available in the blueshift backend. For importing the available data, you can refer to the below link - 


  6. Yes. You can get real-time alerts if you are paper-trading/live-trading. You can refer to the following image - 


  7. No. The feature of getting real-time alerts in Excel sheet is not available on Blueshift.


Dear Mr. Akshay,

At the outset I thank you for your quick response.

  1. I am unable to upload the phython codes given by you in blueshift and getting following error. please clarify.

    Check both pages.



    2) And with regard to my question No. 4, testing multiple pairs in Jupyter should I provide the data to software from end, if so where can i get it. can I use yahoo finance?

Hi Shiva,

  1. The Blueshift platform supports the upload of .py files. From the error, it seems like you are trying to upload a .ipynb file (Jupyter notebook). Please retry with the .py file. 

  2. You can use Yahoo Finance for fetching the data in the Jupyter Notebook. You can also refer to the following blog for the same - 


    Hope that helps!

