Is there any way to update the excel sheet according to the signals generated by the strategy in spyder?
If there is one, can someone elaborate on it?
Hi Abhishek,
There are ways to update the excel sheet, but it is unclear whether you are backtesting, paper trading, or live trading.
Case - [1] Backtesting: Use Pandas to excel to save your file after generating signals.
Case- [2] - Paper/ Live trading: Update the data frame with signals using append function, and at the end, you can download the excel file using pandas.DataFrame.to_excel function.
I hope it helps.
Hi Vinay,
Thanks for the reply.
i am looking for something which can update live.I am running strategy live in spyder to see breakouts in portfolio of stocks and I want to see the results when breakout occurs in any of the stock to be displayed in excel directly.
Hi Abhishek,
For updating the data on a real-time basis, you can refer to the xlwings library. It provides certain functionalities for real-time data updates.
I hope this helps.