Train-validate-test split without using reltivedelta and timedelta ,input shape for LSTM network

HI all

I have run in to the following issue while preparing the data to be inputted in to lstm type of network , though time delta and relativedelta ary very cool it takes time abit to calculate though this is not the main issue , however I will walk you through , first through a very quick copy of code then , I will point out where the issue is

#Read in Price data, use date as index
Prices = pd.read_csv("USDprices.csv")
Prices['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(Prices['Date'], format='%Y-%m-%d')
Prices.index = Prices['Date']
# print(Prices.head())

#Reading in Sentiment Data and selecting News-only-MarketRisk Sentiment
Sent = pd.read_csv("USDSentiment.csv")
Sent = Sent[Sent.dataType=='News'][['Date', 'marketRisk']].fillna(method = "ffill")
# Sent.head()
Sent['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(Sent['Date'], format='%Y-%m-%d')
Sent.index = Sent['Date']
# print(Sent.head())

#Combining Price table and Sentiment Table
Ana = Prices.merge(Sent, left_index= True, right_index=True, how='inner')
Ana = Ana.drop(columns=['Unnamed: 0', 'Volume', 'Asset', 'Date_x', 'Date_y', 'Open', 'High', 'Low', 'UnadjClose'])
# calculating r, %tage change of closing price over previous time step
Ana['returns'] = (Ana['Close']- Ana['Close'].shift(1))/Ana['Close'].shift(1)
# calculating target price
Ana['Target'] = Ana["Close"].diff(1).shift(-1)
# calculating %change
Ana['Change'] = Ana["returns"].shift(-1)
# then sofar so good , then below I continue adding a label via a loop
## Label each time step False(no-buy) or True(buy) based on whether the price will rise at the next closing price
timestep = 1
labels = []
for i in range(0, Ana.shape[0]):
  if(i+timestep< Ana.shape[0]):
    aheadGain = [Ana["returns"][i+j] for j in range(1,timestep+1)]
    labels+= [np.sum(aheadGain)> 0]

# Price Table with Labels as Signal
Ana = Ana.iloc[:-timestep,:].copy()
Ana['Signal'] = labels
# then I will add some extra features 
#Feature Engineering
Ana["Close30"] =  Ana["Close"].rolling(30).mean()
Ana["Close100"] =  Ana["Close"].rolling(100).mean()
Ana["r1"] =  Ana["Close"].diff(1)
Ana["marketrisk_avg7"] = Ana["marketRisk"].rolling(7).mean()
#Drop NA
Ana = Ana.dropna(0)
then here the following is defined as a function,to divide the original dataset
in to training, validating and testing examples
def series_to_supervised(df, n_in=1, n_out=1):
	n_vars = 1 if type(df) is list else df.shape[1]
	cols, names = list(), list()
	# input sequence (t-n, ... t-1)
	for i in range(n_in, -1, -1):
		names += [(df.columns[j]+'(t-%d)' % (i)) for j in range(n_vars)]
	# put it all together
	agg = concat(cols, axis=1)
	agg.columns = names
	return agg
#Features Selection as below
Set =  Ana[['r1','marketrisk_avg7', 'Close30','Close100']]
FEATURES_SHAPE =  Set.shape[1]
#Forming examples
Set =  series_to_supervised(Set, SEQ_LEN-1, 0)
Set[["Change", "Signal"]] = Ana[["Change", "Signal"]]
Set = Set.dropna()
SetAdjusted = Set.copy()
# then due to space limitation I will continue via email , I can't all explain well here ,so I will be sending you an email including a copy of such code above 

Best Regards

Hello Ashraf,

From your complete query. 

1) "now why I can' simply do the following" - you can set the start and end dates for validation, test and train sets manually as well as using timedelata. Timedelta just helps you do it 

2) X_SHAPE1 is basically the last N number of days or bars which you want to input into the LSTM for predicting the target price or trend class. 
The dimensions a Keras LSTM takes as an input is ( no of rows in dataset or mini batch x number of days previous data to be used x number of features ) 
Here X_SHAPE1 is the number of days previous data to be used. 
3) That is a perfectly fine function but you can also do something like the following:
(pseudo code)
data_x = []
data_y = []
timesteps = 5
for i in range(timesteps,number of rows in dataset-1):
       data_x.append(df[features].iloc[i-timesteps:i])                      # slice data for the last 5 days - only the feature columns
       data_y.append(df[target].iloc[i])                                            # The target should be shifted back by 1 day - you want to predict the price of the next day