Talib installation errors

I'm getting two erros while trying to install talib with pip install TA-Lib:

  1.  "Cannot find ta-lib library".  It's not clear from github just how to do this step…
  2.  "Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0 is required.  Get this with…"  

    I've downloaded the C++ 14.14.2127 code and still have this issue…

    Thoughts anyone?

You can get the .whl file based on the python version and processor. Then install that whl file from anaconda prompt. This should install the Ta-Lib on your computer.


  1. Whl File Link:  https://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/pythonlibs/#ta-lib
  2. https://quantra.quantinsti.com/questionDetails/154/Course-Quantitative-Trading-Strategies-and-Models-Having-Issue-with-Installing-TaLib-in-Python

Sorry, but I'm going to need the magic decoder ring…  

Here's my python details:  

Python 3.7.3 64-bit | Qt 5.9.6 | PyQt5 5.9.2 | Windows 10

I don't see a 64-bit non-AMD options on the referenced page and the 32-bit that I selected didn't work.  Could you please advise? 


ok… I've now tried all the 32-bit options and none will install…  Please advise.



I see the confusion, on this one Intel actually goofed up and the standard 64-bit architecture got named after AMD. Try the amd64 version, and that should work given your installation details (even if your processor is not from AMD). If you are running Python 3.7, pick the one tagged TA_Lib?0.4.17?cp37?cp37m?win_amd64.whl. Alternatively if you have the VC++ compiler you can build from the source as well.

That worked!  Thanks much!