While going through the day trading course I have come across some issues downloading some of the libraries. One of those is talib. I've gone through all these steps provided below and still cannot import the library or get it to work.
Even though I see ta-lib 0.4.17 downloaded in anaconda I still receive an error when I try and import it.
ImportError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-1-1ee486ccef90> in <module>
----> 1 import talib
ImportError: No module named 'talib'
I've had the same experience trying to get pyfolio to work as well. Same error.
Can anybody help me or provide an alternative solution to these issues?
Hello Jon,
Can you please confirm if the conda environment ( env ) you installed TA-lib into is the one you're using to import it in python?
You can check your current conda environment on the conda shell using:
conda info --envs
You can read more about managing environments in the official doc.
Yes. I have tried downloading it via multiple environments with different versions of python.
I've tried 3.5, 3.6, and 3.7
While using my base(root) env (python 3.7) it shows ta-lib version 0.4.17, and pyfolio 0.9.2 both downloaded and within the index of the environment.
I've opened a jupyter notebook via this env and still getting same error. "No module named talib"
Hi Jon,
Not to sound redundant, but after downloading the correct ".whl" file, did you open the Anaconda prompt and run the command "pip install" with the relevant file? The file should be based on your python and processor version.
Then you can type "Python" to open the editor and type import talib to check if it worked.
I hope this helps.