Something is not matching

Course Name: Technical Indicators Strategies in Python, Section No: 20, Unit No: 9, Unit type: Exercise


The hit is saying that I should use ta.AD, but instead, should be ta.ADOSC

Also, the code matches the hint and still returns invalid error.

This works for me:

data['chaikin_osc'] = ta.ADOSC(data.high,data.low,data.close, data.volume, fastperiod=150, slowperiod=500)

This does not:

data['chaikin_osc'] = ta.ADOSC(data['high'],data['low'],data['close'], data['volume'], fastperiod=150, slowperiod=500)

Hi Tomas,

We are working on this and will update you soon.


Hi Tomas,

We have discussed the issue internally. Your point is correct and both lines of code should be executed correctly. However, there are certain limitations when it comes to the evaluation of the code submitted by the course participant.

This has led to the error message you get when you submit the second line of code. Nevertheless, we have taken note of your point and will continue to look at the improvement of the evaluation criteria for interactive exercises.

Hi Nelson,

Thanks for pointing this out, the hints have been fixed.

