Reinforcement Learning python3.9.5 Install on Virtual Environment

I am having a difficult time trying to install python3.9.5 in a virtual environment, without the global environment installing python3.8.10. What is the most efficient method for installing python3.9.5 in a virtual environment?

Regarding Reinforcement Learning procedure I am told that python3.9.5 is the latest python to use, do I also use the library for the python3.9.5? I am using Ubuntu 20.04.


Hi William,

You can make a python virtual environment using Anaconda. Anaconda is an open-source distribution of Python. 

To use the Anaconda, you will need to install it first. This page has a comprehensive guide on installing Anaconda in Linux. 

After verifying the installation of Anaconda you can proceed to make a python virtual environment with a specific python version. To create an environment with python version-3.9.5 run the following command in the terminal. 

conda create -n myenv python=3.9.5

After running this comment you will need to run the following command to activate the environment. 
conda activate myenv

For more information go to the Anaconda documentation.

I hope this help!