hi all
am applying some method / property out of a custom lib in python 'mlfinlab', when I apply this calculation (here is the link https://mlfinlab.readthedocs.io/en/latest/implementations/data_structures.html#information-driven-bars) under get_ema_dollar_imbalance_bars , then am getting back within the output with <class 'tuple'> as th type of the object which included at the end tail of the output space [4798 rows x 10 columns], Empty DataFrame Columns: [] Index: [] , dtype=object) then what am trying to do is to convert it in to a pandas df , I have tried different methods around including to transform it first to a numpy array and other sophisticated stuff but proved no good
so any help/guidance is appreciated and welcomed on your part
i have included as well some snap shots
looking forward to your response
best regards
HI guys ,
got resolved , simply by taking the keys [0] right after the tuple done the job really well I don't need to do any extra transformations to arrive at whta I wanted , so
tuple[0] is actually a df , so from there you continue business as usual of course after assigning it
best regards
Hi Ashraf,
Glad to know it worked.