'numpy.int64' object has no attribute 'days'

I am trying to work with NSE data. Data I have taken from Angel One broker. I am getting the above error. I am sharing my code. Please check.

pip install pycryptodome

pip install pyotp

pip install logzero

pip install websocket-client    

from SmartApi import SmartConnect #or from SmartApi.smartConnect import SmartConnect
import pyotp
from logzero import logger

api_key = 'MK2nfbKA'
username = 'VINJ1173'
pwd = '1290'
smartApi = SmartConnect(api_key)
    totp = pyotp.TOTP(token).now()
except Exception as e:
    logger.error("Invalid Token: The provided token is not valid.")
    raise e

correlation_id = "abcde"
data = smartApi.generateSession(username, pwd, totp)
if data['status'] == False:
    # login api call
    # logger.info(f"You Credentials: {data}")
    authToken = data['data']['jwtToken']
    refreshToken = data['data']['refreshToken']
    # fetch the feedtoken
    feedToken = smartApi.getfeedToken()
    # fetch User Profile
    res = smartApi.getProfile(refreshToken)

import http.client

conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection("apiconnect.angelone.in")
payload = """{"exchange":"NSE","symboltoken":"99926000","interval":"ONE_DAY","fromdate":"2022-11-09 09:31","todate":"2024-11-08 03:15"}"""
headers = {
  'X-PrivateKey': 'MK2nfbKA',
  'Accept': 'application/json',
  'X-SourceID': 'WEB',
  'X-ClientLocalIP': 'CLIENT_LOCAL_IP',
  'X-ClientPublicIP': 'CLIENT_PUBLIC_IP',
  'X-MACAddress': 'MAC_ADDRESS',
  'X-UserType': 'USER',
  'Authorization': f"{bearer}",
  'Accept': 'application/json',
  'X-SourceID': 'WEB',
  'Content-Type': 'application/json'
conn.request("POST", "/rest/secure/angelbroking/historical/v1/getCandleData", payload, headers)
res = conn.getresponse()
data = res.read()

# For data manipulation
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from scipy.signal import argrelextrema

import warnings 
import json as j

work_data = j.loads(data.decode("utf-8"))
df = pd.DataFrame(work_data['data'],columns=['Time','Open','High','Low','Close','Volume'])
df['Time'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Time']).apply(lambda x: x.date())

import sys

# Fetch dataframes of minima and maxima values
minima_prices, maxima_prices = get_min_max(df, 3)

# Store values of both minima and maxima points in a sequential order
min_max = pd.concat([minima_prices, maxima_prices]).sort_index()

# For data manipulation
import datetime
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy.signal import argrelextrema

# For data visualisation
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt


def get_min_max(data, argrel_window):
    # Use the argrelextrema to compute the local minima and maxima points
    local_min = argrelextrema(
        data.iloc[:-argrel_window]['Low'].values, np.less, order=argrel_window)[0]
    local_max = argrelextrema(
        data.iloc[:-argrel_window]['High'].values, np.greater, order=argrel_window)[0]

    # Store the minima and maxima values in a dataframe
    minima = data.iloc[local_min].Low
    maxima = data.iloc[local_max].High

    # Return dataframes containing minima and maxima values
    return minima, maxima

def get_support(price_data, argrel_window=15):
    assert price_data.shape[0] > argrel_window, "Length of data is less then argel_window"

    support_list = argrelextrema(
        price_data.iloc[:-argrel_window]['Low'].values, np.less, order=argrel_window)[0]

    price_data['support'] = price_data.iloc[support_list, 2]

    ltp = price_data.Close.iloc[-1]
    price_data['support'] = np.where(price_data['support'] < ltp, price_data['support'], np.nan)

        return price_data.loc[price_data.support.dropna().index.max(), 'support']
        return np.nan

def get_resistance(price_data, argrel_window=15):
    resistance_list = argrelextrema(
        price_data.iloc[:-argrel_window]['High'].values, np.greater, order=argrel_window)[0]

    price_data['resistance'] = price_data.iloc[resistance_list, 1]

    ltp = price_data.Close.iloc[-1]
    price_data['resistance'] = np.where(price_data['resistance'] > ltp, price_data['resistance'], np.nan)

        return price_data.loc[price_data.resistance.dropna().index.max(), 'resistance']
        return np.nan

def backtester(data):
    # ------------------------------- Initial Settings -------------------------------------
    # Create dataframes for round trips, storing trades, and mtm
    round_trips_details = pd.DataFrame()
    trades = pd.DataFrame()

    # Initialise current position, number of trades,cumulative pnl, stop-loss to 0 and take-profit to 100000
    current_position = 0
    trade_num = 0
    cum_pnl = 0
    sl = 0
    tp = 100000

    # Set exit flag to False
    exit_flag = False
    entry_flag = False

    # ------------------------------- Backtest over historical data -------------------------------------
    for i in data.index:

        # ------------------- Positions Check ----------------------------
        # No positions
        if (current_position == 0) & (data.loc[i, 'signal'] != 0):
            current_position = data.loc[i, 'signal']
            entry_flag = True

        # Short Position
        elif current_position == -1:

            if data.loc[i, 'Close'] > stop_loss:
                exit_type = 'SL'
                exit_flag = True

            elif data.loc[i, 'Close'] < take_profit:
                exit_type = 'TP'
                exit_flag = True

        # Long Position
        elif current_position == 1:

            if data.loc[i, 'Close'] < stop_loss:
                exit_type = 'SL'
                exit_flag = True

            elif data.loc[i, 'Close'] > take_profit:
                exit_type = 'TP'
                exit_flag = True

        # ------------------------------- Entry Position Update -------------------------------------
        if entry_flag:
            # Populate the trades dataframe
            trades = pd.DataFrame(index=[0])
            trades['entry_date'] = i
            trades['entry_price'] = round(data.loc[i, 'Close'], 2)
            trades['position'] = current_position

            stop_loss = data.loc[i, 'stoploss']

            take_profit = data.loc[i, 'target']

            # Increase number of trades by 1
            trade_num += 1

            # Print trade details
                f"\033[34mTrade No: {trade_num}\033[0m | Entry Date: {i} | Entry Price: {trades.entry_price[0]} | Position: {current_position}")

            # Set exit flag to false
            entry_flag = False


        # ------------------------------- Exit Position Update -------------------------------------

        if exit_flag:

Hi Somdutt,

Thank you for your message. To better help locate the issue and resolve the error, could you please share the complete error message and the specific line of code where the error occurs? This will help us pinpoint the exact problem.

However, based on the information we have so far, here are some potential reasons for the error you might be encountering:

Incorrect Attribute Access:

The error message 'numpy.int64' object has no attribute 'days' suggests that somewhere in your code, you're trying to access the .days attribute on a numpy.int64 object. However, .days is an attribute of a timedelta object, not an integer type (like numpy.int64).

Solution: Check where you are calculating date differences. If you expect a timedelta object (which has a .days attribute), ensure you are not inadvertently converting the result to an integer. For example:

import numpy as np

from datetime import datetime

date1 = datetime(2024, 1, 1)

date2 = datetime(2024, 12, 31)

Correct date difference

delta = date2 - date1

print(delta.days)  # This should work

Incorrect use, causing the error

delta_in_days = np.int64((date2 - date1).days)

print(delta_in_days.days)  # This will raise the error