from data_modules.FMDA_quantra import get_twitter_tokens
I am unable to use this for downloading any of the macro data or twitter data.
Please help
Hi Shubham
If you are trying this on your local PC, you will need to first get the API keys from Twitter. Then replace them in the file. To get the keys, you need to create an account with Twitter and apply for their API here. Once your application is approved, you will get the keys which can then work on your local PC. The instructions are also highlighted in the "Get the Twitter keys", in Section 10, Unit 2 of the course.
Hope this helps.
I have got the developers account and also I have the API token.
Please find the attached screenshot of the error.
Where do I find file?
Hi Shubham
The is in the data_modules folder of the ZIP file downloadable at the end of the course. For reference, following is the link:
Once you download the ZIP file, extract the folder. The extracted folder will have a data_modules folder which contains the data files used in the course and the file too.
Hope this helps.