I'm a 14 year-old-boy learning python and I was working on the following piece of code in Spyder and I'm using the IBridgePy library to connect with Interactive Brokers. When I run the code I get the following error:
TypeError: _set_default_values_for_user_input.<locals>.<lambda>() missing 1 required positional argument: 'y'
Can anyone help me as to why the error comes up and any way to solve it? I'm happy to do screen sharing as well at logaarav@gmail.com
import os
file_path = r"C:\Python for finance\IBridgePy_Win_Anaconda311_64\IBridgePy\trading_state.txt"
def save_state(layers, invested_amount, file_path):
with open(file_path, "w") as file:
def load_state(file_path):
if os.path.exists(file_path):
with open(file_path, "r") as file:
line = file.readline()
layers, invested_amount = map(float, line.split(","))
return int(layers), invested_amount
return 0, 0
def myTradingAlgorithm():
# Initialize parameters
symbol = 'KWEB' # Replace with your desired stock symbol
initial_investment = 10000 # Replace with your desired initial investment amount
target_price = 100 # Entry price for your security
buy_increment = 0.01 # Buy additional layers after a 1% drop
profit_target = 0.05 # Sell each layer at a 5% profit
max_layers = 10 # Maximum number of layers
# Initialize variables
current_price = get_last_price(symbol)
# Load saved state or initialize
layers, invested_amount = load_state(file_path)
layered_target_price = target_price * ((layers * -1) + 100)/100
while invested_amount >= 0 and layers < max_layers and current_price > 0:
# Calculate the target price to buy a new layer
target_buy_price = layered_target_price
target_sell_price = layered_target_price * (1 + profit_target)
# Check if the current price has dropped enough to buy a new layer
if current_price <= target_buy_price:
# Calculate the amount to invest in the new layer
layer_investment = initial_investment / max_layers
# Place buy order for the new layer
place_order(symbol, layer_investment, 'BUY')
#Add a condition that order should be filled
# Update variables
invested_amount += layer_investment
layers += 1
# Check if it's time to sell
if current_price >= target_sell_price:
# Place sell order for the entire invested amount
place_order(symbol, layer_investment, 'SELL')
#Add a condition that order should be filled
# Update variables
invested_amount -= layer_investment
layers -= 1
# Save state after each operation
save_state(layers, invested_amount, file_path)
#Update current price (you'll need to implement this function)
current_price = get_last_price(symbol)
# Exit the trading algorithm
# Helper functions (you may need to implement these functions)
def get_last_price(symbol):
# Implement this function to retrieve the last price of the given symbol
def place_order(symbol, quantity, action):
# Implement this function to place an order for the given symbol, quantity, and action (BUY/SELL)
def finish():
# Implement any necessary cleanup or finalization steps here
# Run the trading algorithm