Not able to change python environment to quantra_py

I have used the code in the readme files to change the environment in annaconda prompt. I get an error

   could not find quantra_py environment


Hi Vipin,

There might be a few reasons that the installed environment wasn't found. Sometimes the environment isn't properly installed due to some conflict in the python libraries.

One way to check the available environments is to use the command, "conda info --envs" in the anaconda command prompt.

Can you check if the environment "quantra_py" shows up there?

If it is possible, can you help with some details, with respect to the OS you're using, whether it is 64 bit or 32 bit. And a screenshot of the error. That would be really helpful.

In most cases, a fresh set-up usually works. You can try setting up the environment again by going on the blog:

Hope this helps.

HI Rekhit,

The OS is 64 bit. I have tried the following.

(base) C:\Users\Vipin>conda env create -f

EnvironmentFileNotFound: 'C:\Users\Vipin\https:\\downloads\general\environment.yml' file not found


Hi Vipin

There is a typo in the link above. Kindly copy and paste the following in the terminal:

conda env create -f

Hi Rishabh,

I have copy pasted, still getting the same error.

EnvironmentFileNotFound: 'C:\Users\Vipin\https:\\downloads\general\environment.yml' file not found



Hi Vipin,

I was not able to reproduce the error at my end. If it is possible, you can share your contact details at and a screen sharing session can be arranged to get to the root of your issue.



Hi Rekhit,

I have shared my contact details. 

