Monte Carlo Simulation using Python

Dear All,

I have tried to simulate the Monte-Carlo simulation using python learned in SFM-03. Can someone help validate if the code is correct?

Below is the code. The input is 1Day Close Price for stock stored in 'df' dataframe

#Step1 : Calculate the Log Returns

df['log_returns'] = np.log(df.Close) - np.log(df.Close.shift(1))

#Step2 : Calculate the Mean(Average)

mean = df['log_returns'].mean()

#Step3  : Calculate the STD_DEV

std_dev = df['log_returns'].std()

#Setp4  : Calculate the Variance

var  = df['log_returns'].var()

#Setp5  : Calculate Drift

drift = (mean - (var/2))

last_price = df['Close'].tail(1).item()

print("last_price is %s"%last_price)

price_list = [last_price]

result =

No_Of_Days = 30

for i in range(1000000):

    price_list = [last_price]

    random_returns = np.random.normal(mean,std_dev,No_Of_Days)

    for x in random_returns:

        expected_value = price_list[-1]*math.exp((drift + x))



print("5% quantile =",np.percentile(result,5))

print("95% quantile =",np.percentile(result,95))

Hi Chetan,

You have done well! Let us look at the whole process in a stepwise fashion:


Monte Carlo simulation tends to follow four simple steps, based on the Monte Carlo simulation definition:

1. Identify a mathematical model of the process you want to explore/analyze.

- Here you are using a Brownian model to simulate the price behaviour (drift), but you can use any other model, i.e. a fractal model.


2. Define the parameters (like mean and standard deviation) for each factor in your model.

- You are using the total mean and standard deviation.


3. Create random data according to those parameters.

- In this step, the input parameters need to be improved to generate random normal distribution.


4. Simulate and analyze the output of your process.

- This step is vital to get all the knowledge from the Monte Carlo simulation.

Keeping the above in mind, here is your code with minor modifications that we deemed fit : 

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import math 
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline

df = pd.read_csv("MSFT_class.csv" , parse_dates=True , index_col=0)

#Step1 : Calculate the Log Returns
df['log_returns'] = np.log(df.Close) - np.log(df.Close.shift(1))
#Step2 : Calculate the Mean(Average)
mean = df['log_returns'].mean()
#Step3 : Calculate the STD_DEV
std_dev = df['log_returns'].std()
#Setp4 : Calculate the Variance
var = df['log_returns'].var()
#Setp5 : Calculate Drift
drift = (mean - (var/2))
last_price = df['Close'].tail(1).item()
print("last_price is %s"%last_price)
T = 252 #Number of trading days
S = df['Adj Close'][-1]

#choose number of runs to simulate - I have chosen 1000
for i in range(100):
  #create list of daily returns using random normal distribution
  #set starting price and create price series generated by above random daily returns
  price_list = [S]
  for x in daily_returns:

  #plot data from each individual run which we will plot at the end

#show the plot of multiple price series created above


For more info, check out:


We hope this helps.



Support Team


Hi Team,

Thanks for update. I am trying to find why we are deviding by 'T' and dividing by sqrt(t) and adding 1 to below line in the code? Can you please explain.

  #create list of daily returns using random normal distribution




Hello Chetan,

We have shared the response on your registered email address.


Support Team

Thanks Laxmi for the detailed explanation. I will test it out and come back if more support required.



Hi Chetan.
You're most welcome!
We are always here to support you if you need any assistance.  
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