Module not found error

from Unsupervising Learning in Trading course, how can risolve this issue?

I created new environment with machine learning libraries and my Python version is 3.8.5

Thank you

Hi Alessandro,

Can you help me with a few things here. Was the machine learning environment successfully set up? 

Usually, the machine learning environment requires Microsoft Visual C++ latest libraries, which takes a while to download.

But if the environment is setup and you are facing the issue, can I ask if the data module folder is present too.

Usually, I like to keep the data_module folder in the same folder where the notebook is present. 

It would be great if you can send a screenshot of the error, and also mention the notebook where you got the error.


the notebook is "Capstone Project Solution Template" from the course 
"Unsupervising Learning in Trading" and this is the error:

ModuleNotFoundError                       Traceback (most recent call last)
~\AppData\Local\Temp/ipykernel_16064/ in <module>
     21 import sys
     22 sys.path.append("..")
---> 23 from data_modules.unsup_capstone_util import check_stationarity, correlation_check, get_number_of_clusters, performance_analysis

~\Desktop\TRADING\Quantra\Unsupervising Learning in Trading\Code-Template-and-Data-Files\notebook\..\data_modules\ in <module>
      3 import numpy as np
      4 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
----> 5 from statsmodels.tsa.stattools import adfuller
      6 from sklearn.cluster import KMeans

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'statsmodels'

I installed Microsoft Visual C++ but I'm facing the issue.

Hi Alessandro,

There must have been an issue with the installation process as I am not able to reproduce that error. For now, can you add one line of code to the notebook which is given below.

!pip install statsmodels==0.12.2

And execute the code before you run the code blocks. I think this should help resolve your issue.