Mean-Reversion Section 2 Unit 4 and 5 error!

Considering that any graph has Y(dependent variable) and X (independent variable).

The video in unit 4 at 1min 02sec shows a graph GDX (y axis) vs GLD (x axis)


and later gives strategy as

GLD(long) - 1.63* GDX(short) aka

Independent - hedge ratio*  dependent

but when we go to unit 5 (objective question) data says  :

independent variable is Exxon Mobil Corporation (XOM)

dependent variable is Chevron Corporation (CVX)

Ratio 5

Hence final answer should be 

XOM - 5 * CVX

But the answer says 

CVX - 5* XOM and 

the hint (rationale) says 

A portfolio is formed as dependent - hedge ratio * independent 

Hence there is contradiction between concept shown in video (unit 4) and answer in unit 5

Please address this at the earliest


Hi Ambooj,

Thank you for the feedback.

We have rectified the graph. Now the graph shows GDX on the x axis and GLD on the y axis as discussed in the strategy.

also at 5:06 secs it needs to be done again!

and it also repeats at CADF video at 1:11

This has been changed.