FileNotFoundError: File b'../data/infy.csv' does not exist of all in example which is shown in course used infosys data you need to download your own data from yahoo finance or any where you preffer to do so the download of historical data will be downloaded as csv file.
now what you have to do is where ever your that following file is been downloaded go there select it and then copy the path of it.
In path of it use \ forward slash as shown you have used back words slash.
when you copy your path it is by default with backwords slash.
Need more help then tell i will help
here you can download infosys historical data that is shown in example of course
download the file from above link and give it's path with forward slash your error will be solved
Hello Fabio,
I am assuming you're running the code in your local system. Make sure that you open jupyter lab/notebook right in the folder where the notebook is saved. If you are in it's parent direction you might see this error.
Sory guys, but the notebook that I got this error it was one into the website. The one you provide as model.
Hello Fabio,
Can you share the link of the particular notebook with me. I'll try to reproduce it here. Thanks for your patience.
The error indicates that the infy.csv file is missing.
To fix this error, you can go the last unit of the course which says downloadable resources. This stores all the code and data file needed to run the code. In this you will find data folder which stores the infy.csv or the data file.
You can locate the code by navigating to the appropriate folder and notebook and try running the notebook.
I hope this helps you to run the notebook without error. in case, if you face issues feel free to write back.