Is it possible to go live with 2 paper trading strategies on the same day?

I have successfully gone live with one strategy but wheni try to deploy the other I am unsuccessful; although the code is the same except for the ticker.  Here is the error log I see.  Thanks for any help!

[LOG | 2023/10/30, 11:23:38] Start-processing:


Blueshift version 2.1.0. Please visit this link for terms and conditions.

Your algo execution will start shortly. Please note the details below for future reference


Execution name (hash): Bluelantern Yak (1308e73675d630e05ad87ae6287ced5be68a5c22)

Strategy (hash): (9d6c35752b46fba7596b4ff4f77899d20161fc1b )

Starting capital: 2000 (in currency of your broker account)

Order execution: automatic

Launch-time: Mon Oct 30 2023 18:23:32 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time) (UTC)

End date: Fri Nov 03 2023 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)


Once the algo is initialized, performance and other details will be updated in the dashboard.


Creating necessary resources for the algo execution …


[LOG | 2023/10/30, 11:23:53] Execution resources created. Queueing up for start …


[LOG | 2023/10/30, 11:23:53] Execution queued. Blueshift will start shortly…


[USER | 2023/10/30, 11:23:58] Reticulating spline, setting up algorithm environment…


[USER | 2023/10/30, 11:23:58] Done.


[USER | 2023/10/30, 11:23:58] Integrating volatility over z-axis…


[USER | 2023/10/30, 11:23:58] Done.


[USER | 2023/10/30, 11:23:58] Configuring lunchtime …


[USER | 2023/10/30, 11:23:58] Done.


[USER | 2023/10/30, 11:23:58] Tokenizing gravity…


[USER | 2023/10/30, 11:23:58] Done.


[USER | 2023/10/30, 11:23:58] Evaluating gene expression…


[USER | 2023/10/30, 11:23:58] Connecting to the broker …


[USER | 2023/10/30, 11:23:58] Fetching trade data …


[USER | 2023/10/30, 11:23:58] Resetting data store on connect…


[USER | 2023/10/30, 11:23:58] Done


[USER | 2023/10/30, 11:23:58] Done


[ERROR | 2023/10/30, 11:24:03] Blueshift Alert(1308e73675d630e05ad87ae6287ced5be68a5c22)2023-10-30 18:24:03.236018: error receiving packet - seems internet connection is down, or the upstream (broker) server disconnected actively.


[ERROR | 2023/10/30, 11:26:54] Blueshift Alert(1308e73675d630e05ad87ae6287ced5be68a5c22)2023-10-30 18:26:53.500860: Initialization error: Connect to server timed out.


[ERROR | 2023/10/30, 11:26:54] Blueshift Alert(1308e73675d630e05ad87ae6287ced5be68a5c22)2023-10-30 18:26:53.505034: Algo run failed:Initialization error: failed to create environment:Initialization error: Connect to server timed out…


[USER | 2023/10/30, 11:26:54] Algo run failed:Initialization error: failed to create environment:Initialization error: Connect to server timed out…


[LOG | 2023/10/30, 11:26:59] Blueshift is shutting down…


[PLATFORM | 2023/10/30, 11:26:59] Execution failed health check (unresponsive) - will be terminated for risk control


[LOG | 2023/10/30, 11:27:04] Execution terminated