ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found

Why are we using ibridge py?

I followed the instructions:

  1. Use virtual environment
  2. Use the proper python version i.e 3.9.5
  3. latest version of ibridge py
  4. Scripts fail 95% of the time


Hi Ramiro,

The error occurs due to a difference in the version of python and the corresponding IBridgePy package. You can refer to this FAQ to learn about the error. Also, you can follow the steps in this video to setup IBridgePy on your system.

Hope this helps!



In Ibridgepy I run the file. I am running the

I receive the following error message:

 Python 3.7.6 (default, Jan  8 2020, 20:23:39) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)]

Type "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

IPython 7.12.0 – An enhanced Interactive Python.

runfile('C:/Users/ramir/OneDrive/IBridgePy_Win_Anaconda38_64/', wdir='C:/Users/ramir/OneDrive/IBridgePy_Win_Anaconda38_64')

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "C:\Users\ramir\OneDrive\IBridgePy_Win_Anaconda38_64\", line 16, in <module>

    from configuration import run_me

  File "C:\Users\ramir\OneDrive\IBridgePy_Win_Anaconda38_64\", line 7, in <module>

    from Config.config_defs import UserConfig

  File "C:\Users\ramir\OneDrive\IBridgePy_Win_Anaconda38_64\Config\", line 10, in <module>

    from IBridgePy.MarketManagerBase import setup_services

  File "C:\Users\ramir\OneDrive\IBridgePy_Win_Anaconda38_64\IBridgePy\", line 6, in <module>

    import broker_service_factory

  File "C:\Users\ramir\OneDrive\IBridgePy_Win_Anaconda38_64\", line 1, in <module>

    from .BrokerService import BrokerService

  File "C:\Users\ramir\OneDrive\IBridgePy_Win_Anaconda38_64\broker_service_factory\", line 13, in <module>

    from IBridgePy import IBCpp

ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found.

Python version:3.9.5


Hi Ramiro,

This error is most likely due to an incompatible version of Anaconda Python or due to an older version of IBridgePy. As you can check in this documentation, there are some specific Anaconda Python versions for which IBridgePy is compatible. You can try updating the version as per the specifications. Please do let us know if you face any issues with the same.

Hope this helps!

