Ibridgepy question

how do i solve this problem? 

ImportError: dlopen(/Users/student/Downloads/IBridgePy_Mac_Python37_64/IBridgePy/IBCpp.so, 2): Library not loaded: /usr/local/opt/python/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/Python

  Referenced from: /Users/student/Downloads/IBridgePy_Mac_Python37_64/IBridgePy/IBCpp.so

  Reason: image not found

this is downloaded from ibridgepy's website and i tried to run the RUN_ME.py file with an IDE and received the above problem. I opened the entire file that includes the configuration file btw.

Hi Sean,

Are you working on a Mac system? This error is usually found in Mac systems with Python 3.7. 

Please check this video for specific Mac installation instructions.

Let me know if that works out for you.


Hi Gaurav,

Thank you for your reply. I have set the default python on my mac to version 3.7 and downloaded the ibridgepy file for python 3.7.

when i followed the tutorial you sent me and running the command /user/bin/python RUN_ME.py, I get this: 


File "/Users/student/Downloads/IBridgePy_Mac_Python37_64/BasicPyLib/BasicTools.py", line 4, in <module>

    import pandas as pd

ImportError: No module named pandas

The thing is, pandas is already installed in my system. I have tried installing again via pip install pandas and conda install pandas and it keeps saying "requirement already satisfied". I've checked that pandas is installed with command "pip list". Please advise :)

Hi Sean,

There seem to be multiple installations of Python on your system. The pip list shows the package but your current python environment is different. You can check "which python" or "where python" command to see which version is actually being used.

At present, the pip command seems to be tied to one version and your python terminal seems to be a different version (copy/instance).

Hope this helps!

Do let me know if that worked for you!