Hello there:
Today I just watched the market, and noticed that ticker APDN (Applied DNA Science) has been halted several times in the day… so I wonder "How can we know if a stock is halted using ibridgepy??"
If the stock is volatile enough it can get halted… many times… so How can we know that in advance and get out after the haltd has been released (using ibrigepy on ibkr) ?
Hello Ghery,
As mentioned by you, trading in some stocks can be halted over the day due to unusual volatility and extreme swings in prices. Generally, the broker releases the list of stocks halted at regular intervals in the form of JSON or CSV. Once you get access to this file, you can import it to your code and manage the orders.
Please reach out to interactive brokers here to get the list of stocks halted.
Hope this helps!
Ok, thanks a lot. But what if I am using my code to trade a stock and it gets halted after my code has opened positions on that stock?? How can I fetch that into my code…??
As you have probable seen the stock I mentioned was halted for several minutes… So what I would do in case of a stock gets halted is to wait until it is reléase ( usually the stocks that I trade are halted because of the volatility and they are reléased in some minutes) and then send a market order to get out of the position… But how do I do that on ibridgepy??
Is there any way of fetching that csv of halted stocks into my code in live trading??
Hi Ghery,
To fetch CSV of halted stocks into the code in live trading, you have to reach out to interactive brokers here. The brokers usually upload the file into the cloud which is updated at particular intervals.
Hope this helps!
Thanks a lot for your answer…
Neverteless… I meant something else…
When there is a lot of volatility on a particular stock…that is trending… (for example ticker SHPH was a recent IPO and was spiking so fast and they halted it many times during the day…), in interactive brokers, if you use the TWS program for trading… there appears a "!" sign and a message appears stating that SEC has halted the trading of that stock…"volatility halt"…
Is there anything equivalent o that "!" sign that can be used in the code…?? that is without fetching the data from somewhere else…
if we use algorithms for trading a particular (supervolatile) stock, right after the market opened… there is a change that this stock gets halted for some minutes… (I have seen many …) so is there a way to know that on ibridgepy…??
Hello Ghery, Please send an inquiry to interactive brokers (link) for this query.
Thank you