Hi there,
Is there a way to genrate the blueshift code for a visually designed trading strategy in blueshift?
Do you experience recently a freeze of blueshift when trying to backtest a strategy along a long period of time ( in my case Forex 2008 to 2022) ? Is there any alternative CEP platforms that are reputable and can be used by individual traders to backtest strategies?
Thank you,
If you are on the visual strategy editor, click the ">" arrow (appears near the Quick Run tab header) to get into full screen. Once you do, you will see a "View code" button on the right-hand panel near the bottom. Clicking it will generate the Python code for your visual strategy. You can copy and modify it to create or customize your strategy.
On Blueshift, we have a time-out defined for backtests to ensure fair usage among our users. If your strategy run time exceeds a threshold, it will be killed.
The long data pertiod is available to scenario test your strategy under different conditions prevailing over the whole date range. Rarely it is useful to run a intraday strategy over multiple years or decades. I suggest you test your strategy in the most recent period to check its alpha and over some other chosen (shorter) periods to check its stability and risk characteristics.