From johansen import coint_johansen

 In the Johansen test section, in the libraries being imported, one of them is "from johansen import coint_johansen". However when I try this, I get an error saying "No Module named 'johansen''. Can you please help me figure out how to get the Johansen module installed for my Python? I tried to google it but cannot find anything obvious that I am missing. 

I have same problem of one I found in the forum in 2017, that you answered there wuold be a johansen file in the course but I didn't find it now.

Could you help me for a solution, all the night try to find  a solution somewhere in internet



Hi Rocco,

You need to install johansen module in your system.

Run this line of code in your jupyter :

!pip install johansen

Hope this helps!


I have already done that but I have this error: ' Sintax error: Missing parenthesis in call to 'print'. Did you mean print("Unable to take inverse of x_diff_lags.)"

Above it refers to line 115

Seems there is something wrong in file

I tried to insert the parethesis where it asks for and now I have the error " no module named 'critical values'"

Under my environment I saw there either the and the files


I found in your tdownloadable files a I put it in the lib of my environment and now seems it functions, maybe it would be better for person like me that he's new with Python more info about.

Just a question in your files there is also a johansen.pyc file I red in internet that the .pyc files are binary coded , could I move to the lib just the johansen.pyc file or in any case I must move in the lib directory the file?

Hi Rocco,

We have uploaded the file in the last unit Downloadable Resources. You can find this file in the Triplets section along with Triplets notebook and required data. If you want to run Johansen file with other code, you just need to keep this file in the same folder with code file you are using.