Floor and Ceiling (Unit 7, Section 14) (Short selling in Trading)

I get the following error:


ImportError                               Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-615-92cd73cdbb67> in <module>()
     17 import sys
     18 sys.path.append("..")
---> 19 from data_modules.short_selling import graph_regime_fc
     20 from data_modules.short_selling import swings
     21 from data_modules.short_selling import sma

ImportError: No module named 'data_modules'

How do i import the data_modules?

I imported the short_selling py file into the jupyter notebook path but i could not run it, the following error occurs
ImportError: No module named 'bs4'


All the code and data files used in this course are available in the downloadable unit of the last section of this course, " Python Codes and Data" (Section 15 Unit 2).

All data files and short_selling.py file are kept in the data_modules folder. And all NBs are kept inside the respective sections folder.