Colab and Data download

I have just enrolled in a few tracks! I have two questions!

  1. Can I use Colab for all courses? I am aware that Quantra recommends 3.9.5 for Jupyter notbook. Colab's current version is 3.7.15. 

    I tried to check it on 'Stackoverflow'. However, it is tricky without any clear answer.

    How can I update Google Colab's Python version? - Stack Overflow

    2. For example, in 'Python for trading' chapter 5, a CSV file 'coca_cola_price.csv' is used. it is mentioned that the file is available to download at the end of chapter". However, I found all the codes but the CSV file or anyohter data was not available. 

    I'd appreciate it if you can share your thoughts on it!

Hi Chirag, 

  1. It is recommended that you use the Jupyter notebook with the Quantra environment in order to ensure version control of the python libraries used. Also, Colab may not have all the packages used in the courses, and they need to be installed every time you run the notebook in Colab.

  2. All the data files used in the course, including coca_cola_price.csv, are saved in the 'data_modules' folder. 

    Hope this helps!



Thank you, Bhavika!