Calculate slippage for buy and sell orders

What am i doing wrong in the code below: 

I have tried to wrap everything in parenthensis but still gets an error. any help would be appreciated. 

#Calculate slippage for buy orders

aapl_1m['slippage_buy_order'] = (aapl_1m['High']  - aapl_1m['Close']) / aapl_1m['Close']

#Calculate slippage for sell orders

aapl_1m['slippage_sell_order'] = (aapl_1m['Close'] - aapl_1m['Low']) / aapl_1m['Close']

#Mean of the slippage for buy and sell orders for each day

aapl_1m = aapl_1m.groupby([aapl_1m['Date']]).mean


I am getting this error message: 


TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-32-1931dbd8d2a6> in <module>
      1 #Calculate slippage for buy orders
----> 3 aapl_1m['slippage_buy_order'] = (aapl_1m['High']  - aapl_1m['Close']) / aapl_1m['Close']
      5 #Calculate slippage for sell orders

TypeError: 'method' object is not subscriptable


You need to call the mean() function like the below code. 

aapl_1m = aapl_1m.groupby([aapl_1m['Date']]).mean()