Beginners issue

Hello, After initial installation of Anaconda and IBridgePy when I am tying to run, I am getting following error. Seems strange, please help. Thanks in advance.

The environment is "Mac Anaconda 37"

IBridgePy package is for "Mac Python 37"

They don't match!

Please visit Algorithmic trading in Python: Download IBridgePy and download the correct IBridgePy package for Mac Python 37

Hi Kunal,

To use IBridgePy on Mac, you should use plain python installed on your mac instead of anaconda(using spider or jupyter also means anaconda python). To activate your plain python instead of anaconda python, first, open your terminal via Applications -> Utilities -> Terminal. Then, type: /usr/local/bin/python3.9 (or 3.7) After that point, you should also use your terminal to run file instead of using spider etc. Not to encounter any error, make sure the path for python 3.9 (or 3.7)is correct for your local. Also, make sure you installed IBridgePy for python 3.9 (3.7). In addition, you need to open via an IDE and change the account number with yours. On this youtube video, there is a detailed implementation of these steps. If you face any issues during this process, please let us know the details of the error. 

Hope this helps.

Hi Suleyman,

Thanks for pointer. I tried to run from terminal, python3.9 but import pandas failed. I have already installed it though. Trying to get through:

  File "/Users/kkk/IBridgePy_Mac_Python39_64/", line 16, in <module>

    from configuration import run_me

  File "/Users/kkk/IBridgePy_Mac_Python39_64/", line 7, in <module>

    from BasicPyLib.BasicTools import roundToMinTick, get_system_info

  File "/Users/kkk/IBridgePy_Mac_Python39_64/BasicPyLib/", line 5, in <module>

    import pandas as pd

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pandas'

kkk$ pip3 list

Package           Version

----------------- -------

cycler            0.11.0

et-xmlfile        1.0.1

fonttools         4.31.1

install           1.3.5

jdcal             1.4.1

kiwisolver        1.4.0

matplotlib        3.5.1

numpy             1.21.5

openpyxl          3.0.5

packaging         21.3

pandas            1.3.5

Pillow            9.0.1

pip               22.0.4

pyparsing         3.0.7

python-dateutil   2.8.2

pytz              2021.3

setuptools        40.8.0

six               1.12.0

typing_extensions 4.1.1

wheel             0.33.1


Hi Kunal,

Pandas does not seem to be installed in the same environment. As I've shown in the below image, you can install the pandas package from spyder only. 

By doing so, you will make sure you are installing pandas in the same environment where you are running 

If the issue still persists you can send us a screenshot of the full error stack.

I hope this helps.
