Hi wonder if anyone out there can shed some light on this problem of getting pricing data, I'm trying to download the pricing data for backtesting purposes from Interactive Brokers following the IBridgePy course, the Interactive brokers platfrom is thowing an error message:
I managed to connect to the broker and send some basic requests but getting the pricing from a specific UK exchange (Quantra's blueshift wont work) is a problem.
Some of the functionality on the IBridgePy video tutorial doesn't seem to work, apperantly we have to put quite a sum of money on the acocunt to get the pricing data, after speaking to interactive brokers support team there seems to be an option for free delayed pricing data but I can’t seem to get it to work.
There are no explanations on the IBridgePy course on this which doesnt really help the flow of learning. The final option resolution from interactive brokers is to fund the account with 2000 USD, wondering if anyone can throw some light on this issue to help with an alternative option allowing a continuation of the couse study without breaking the bank!!
Kind Regards
Error message for histoical and pricing data below:
IBridgePy version 5.2.3
fileName = example_get_historical_data.py
#### Starting to initialize trader ####
#### Initialize trader COMPLETED ####
Historical Data of STK,SPY,USD
broker_client_factory.CallBacks:errorId=13 errorCode=162 errorMessage=Historical Market Data Service error message:No market data permissions for AMEX STK
broker_client_factory.CallBacks:EXIT IBridgePy version = 5.2.3
An exception has occurred, use %tb to see the full traceback.