Am a Trader looking for Algos

I am a Trader and am looking to buy/partner with backtested algos for any kind of Trading…Day, Swing, positional across asset class. I am a part of a group which has significant interest in financial investments. Please do get in touch with me -

Snehal Bhatt.

Hi Snehal!

We offer the learning tracks on Quantra so one can develop such strategies themselves. In addition to that, the Blueshift platform can be used for backtesting the strategies you develop, and even deploy the same in live markets! It is a free platform with a lot of features to help you in your algo trading journey.

Hope this helps!

Thanks Mr. Singh for the reply. However, I do not have a strategy to automate. I am looking for sharp new-age Quant-Algo traders who are looking for capital participation for mutual benefits. 



Thanks Mr. Singh for the reply. I checked my mail (spam as well). Nothing there.