Hello there:
I am traying to write a function in python , so that it sends a limit order and it also cancels the order, if it doesn't get filled after a specific ammount of time from the time the order is send.
The code I wrote is the following:
from datetime import datetime
def limit_order_with_time (context.security, shares, entry, time_in_seconds)
bool_var1= False
init = datetime.now()
orderId = order(context.security, shares , LimitOrder(limit_price=entry))
while (bool_var1==False and position.amount < shares):
final = datetime.now()
diff = final - init
if (diff.total_seconds() >= time_in_seconds)
bool_var1= True
I expect to save it into a file and then import it within another code, so that I can use it to trade…
Is my function good for What I expect it to do??
what do you think??
Hi Ghery,
Based on the code you've provided, I think it should work just fine. Before using this code in the live market, you should backtest it and ensure that it's working as intended.
OK, thanks a lot