A consultation about Ibridgepy with multiple stocks and Supersymbol function

Hello there:

I came up with a problem using Ibridgepy, I want to test a strategy using multiple tickers ( very volatile stocks), but unfortunately  the interactive brokers database doesn't seem to have all of the tickers I intent  to use…

So I am using the Supersymbol function, specifying those tickers, but I don't really know how to use that function with ultiple tickers…  can anyone help me with that??


Hi Ghery,

So basically, Ibridgepy just acts as a bridge between Python and Interactive Brokers. So if the symbol is not available in the IB database, then I am afraid you will not be able to use it using Ibridgepy.

Hope this helps!




 well…  when I use  simple the symbol() function on ibridgepy, I get an error, but when I use the supersymbol function specifying that it is a stock in dollars…  then Ibridgepy works fine in refering to this ticker…

 What I meant to say was…  how to use supersymbol function   for multiple tickers…  like you would do with a symbol function…


Hi Ghery,

It seems that this functionality may not be available yet. You can always write to "IBridgePy@gmail.com" and they would be happy to help you out. 
