REER data not matching

Course Name: Value Strategy in Forex, Section No: 4, Unit No: 11, Unit type: Video



I'm trying to reproduce the code but the REER data from BIS (narrow indices and real) isn't the same as the data you've used, even for the same dates. I don't understand where your data comes from.

Can you help me please ? 

Hi Joachim,

I downloaded the data using the steps mentioned here and the REER data looks different to me as well.

The data used in the course was updated on 19th May 2021, whereas, the current data available on BIS was updated on 19th July 2023. This could possibly be the reason for the difference in the figures.

The difference in data could be due to many reasons such as changes in methodologies. If you want to know the exact reason of why the data sourced on two different dates looks different, you can reach out to BIS here.

If you want to get the exact data that has been used in the course (for the same time period) you can download it from the downloadable unit in Section 8 Unit 1 of the course.

I hope this helps!

Hello Rushda, 

There is said on the website than data was rebased to 2020.

After rebasing to different years I notice than this strategy isn't working.

So the course wasn't relevant. 

Indeed, data changes can significantly impact strategies and outcomes. However, the course primarily focuses on explaining the fundamental concepts of the Value Strategy in Forex, with practical examples of implementation and generating signals using REER data. The intention is to equip learners with a solid understanding of the strategy and its mechanics.

While the specific data used in the course may have been relevant at its creation, the broader principles and methodologies taught in the course remain valuable and adaptable. You can adjust parameters like the rolling period and perform backtesting using the most current data to tailor the strategy to present market conditions.

That said, your feedback is extremely valuable and we will be updating the data used in the course.


Hey Joachim,

Happy to inform you that the notebook has been updated with a recent dataset :slight_smile:



Hello, may I follow this question again?

I downloaded the data from BIS, and compared the 2023-07 data in Real slide which are totally different with the data source I downloaded from the course. For example, Canada in 2023-07(BIS) is 100.03 while REER_2023_Aug2021_Jul2023 file mentioned is 99.57. May I know is there any further calculations in this REER_2023_Aug2021_Jul2023 file?

Hey Kevin,

The data imported in the notebook is taken from BIS. All the calculations done on the data are covered in the notebbok. As mentioned earlier in this thread, the primary reason why we can see a difference in the figures is due to the updates/changes in methodologies.