Question for context.portfolio.positions Function

I would like to use 'context.portfolio.positions' function to get the positions information but the result is 0, Code as below:  

def initialize(context):


def handle_data(context,data):


      expiry_d ='20240627'

      call_price= float(19900)

      Call_CD = "F4"           



     C_opt = superSymbol(secType='OPT', symbol='HSI',currency='HKD', exchange='HKFE', strike=call_price, right='C', multiplier='50', localSymbol='HSI19900F4',expiry=expiry_d)

C_opt_Position = context.portfolio.positions[C_opt]

 for security, position in context.portfolio.positions.items( ):







Result as below:

Try to get connected to Interactive Brokers

Connected to Interactive Brokers

IBridgePy version 20.5.2

fileName =

   Starting to initialize trader    ####

   ACCOUNT Balance  DU2350282  ##




   POSITIONS DU2350282   ##

Symbol Amount Cost_basis

OPT,HSI,HKD,  19100.00,C,50,HSI19100F4W21 1 469.04

OPT,HSI,HKD,  19900.00,C,50,HSI19900F4 1 269.04

   NO any order    ##

   Initialize trader COMPLETED    ####

OPT,HSI,HKD,19100.0,C,50 {security=OPT,HSI,HKD,  19100.00,C,50,HSI19100F4W21 amount=1 cost_basis=469.04} {security=OPT,HSI,HKD,20240627,  19900.00,C,50,HSI19900F4 amount=0 cost_basis=0.0}

OPT,HSI,HKD,19900.0,C,50 {security=OPT,HSI,HKD,  19900.00,C,50,HSI19900F4 amount=1 cost_basis=269.04} {security=OPT,HSI,HKD,20240627,  19900.00,C,50,HSI19900F4 amount=0 cost_basis=0.0} END

How can I get the HSI19900F4 positions by using context.portfolio.positions Function?



Hi Rex,

The issue might be due to some difference in the expected value and passed value in the superSymbol method. I suggest you check the contract specific values passed to the function and if the issue persists, you can contact the IBridgePy team at