More clarification in Floor & Ceiling

Course Name: Short Selling in Trading, Section No: 7, Unit No: 14, Unit type: Notebook


In this notebook we're joining 'regime' dataframe (which contains the swings) with lot of empty columns. In the following cells we're little by little filling this values but it's not clear at all what function has every column.

Can you please elaborate here what's the purpose for each column?

Hi Daniel,

The columns you have highlighted have a prefix "r_" which means these columns are specific to a relative series.

Now let's talk about each specific column:


Ceiling is the highest high of the range starting from the previous floor to the current swing high.


Floor is the lowest low of the range starting from the ceiling to the current swing low.


This column marks the point of regime change in a relative series.


This column indicates the regime state (-1 for bearish and 1 for bullish)


This column records the identified floor or ceiling level that led to a regime change in a relative rebased series.


This column is used to capture the breakout or breakdown event, where the price either breaks above a ceiling (in a bearish regime) or falls below a floor (in a bullish regime).

Hope this helps!



Thank you very much, now it's more clear.

I'm facing lot of complications to understand the real logic behind this course. I think to this notebook lot of things should be clarify to clearly understand WHY we're transforming the data in some ways, as it's only explained WHAT we're doing the WHY remains not explained.

Please consider adding small extra clarifications in the notebook.


Hi Daniel,

Thankyou for your feedback we really appreciate it!

We will make the necessary changes in the notebook :slight_smile:

