I am going through the epat learning process slowly and understand it's necessity to develop understanding and skills required for sucess. I don't know if my questions are answered somewhere along the course but I am curious to know what is the recommended way for someone to start in the algorythmic trading business.
Do I need to buy a powerful computer right now ?
I have a computer that can run I bridge py and jupiter notebooks or jupiterlabs and anaconda but I cannot do high frequency trading with it. I would like to use it to trade and earn first before buying a new computer.
I am looking for answers to help me start generating small earnings first and increasingly larger amounts so I can grow from beginner to pro without risking much while studying and practicing the learning material in the epat program.
A coaching service and a pro we could follow along would be great ! Someone showing us what he does so we could replicate. Is there someone doing this you can recommend ? I am sure that this is a service many students would really appreaciate and need. I would like to suggest the addition of this service to students and alumni. A pro whose screen we could watch and whose voice we could hear while he is working at I rage maybe.
I also would be interested in going to india to be in a internship program but I think that with current state of technology it is possible to do this without having to travel.
I would like to be engaged in somekind of composite training mixing recorded learning and guided applied practice in other words. I could be willing to pay for this depending on costs.
I also would appreciate steps, a time line or someone to tell me where to find such answers in the course if they are already answered somewhere.
For exemple.
1-1st install i bridge py and configure your computer this way.
2-A good idea is to first rely on regular buy and hold strategies of listed stocks such as apple, microsoft with a stop loss. To do so use this code and execute this everyday morning.
3-Do this and that to get these types of signals to help you decide and use this to automate.
4-Then get into options and buy from people who are stuck and want to sell. rely on this in the course to do so.
5-Now you are ready to buy a ultra powerful computer to do High frequency trading.
Start doing this and rely on this part of the course learning material and code to succeed at that but keep doing what you have already started doing.
Interesting guidance would allow me to keep my job while still studying epat program until I can work part time, then trade for half the day till a point I could quit my job and be independent trader.
Is there a page for alumni to connect and engage in such discussions ?
Thank you for your attention.
Hi Simon,
It was a pleasure speaking with you and answering your questions.
You can write us for any additional questions at alumni.cell@quantinsti.com , we would be happy to assist you.
QuantInsti Alumni Cell
For everyone's benefit, what is the answer?
Hello Eric,
The conversation focused on gaining understanding of Simon's position and context, as well as informing him of relevant course material that he can refer for few of his questions.
QuantInsti Alumni Cell