Upgrading Anaconda to version 2.4.2

I am attempting to upgrade Anaconda to version 2.4.2. After I click upgrade

=I am promted to allow program to make changes.  

=I click YES

=Then I am asked to 'Quit Anaconda Navigator'

=I click Yes

=Upon reopening I am promoted again to upgrade to verison 2.4.2 and the update has not started


Hi Paul,

You can try uninstalling Ananconda from your system and then download the updated package from the official website.

Hope this helps. Please feel free to reach out in case of any difficulties.


Thank you for the suggestion. If I do that will I lose the info I have saved in my jupyter notebooks?

Hi Paul,

You will not lose the information you have saved in your Jupyter notebooks if you uninstall and reinstall Anaconda. Your Jupyter notebooks are stored in a separate directory from Anaconda, so they will not be affected by the uninstall process. To be extra cautious, you can manually back up your Jupyter notebook files by copying them to a separate location before uninstalling Anaconda.

Hope that helps. Please feel free to reach out in case of any difficulties.
