Course Name: Volatility Trading Strategies for Beginners, Section No: 21, Unit No: 8, Unit type: Exercise
Hello, in the notebook related to this quiz (unit 7) the slip of the data is written in this form:
However in this quiz appears like this
train = data.loc["2018"]
test = data.loc["2019":]
Please check it and change it.
Hello Daniel,
The timeperiod used in the notebook (Section 21, unit 7), which is 2021-2022 are different from the timepreiod used in the IE (Section 21, unit 8), which is 2018-2019. However, the method to create the train and test data is similar in the notebook and the IE.
Since the data starts from 2018 and train data should have the entire data of 2018, you can either use 'data.loc['2018']' or 'data.loc[:'2018']'
Please follow the instructions listed in the IE for the correct solution.
Please let us know if you have any more questions on this.
Happy Learning!