I was going through this course, while I really like it, I have no idea how to get Indian Stock market data to implement TRIN Strategy and PCR Strategy. Can you give me a link of it from the Quandl website ? I was unable to get all the required data to implement those strategies in python.
Thank you in advance for the help
Hi Abinash
To get data for Indian stock markets you can use NSEpy python library.
Link for example: http://nsepy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
Thanks, I was able to set a code to retrieve data using the NSEpy library. But I do not know how to call for the data that we need for TRIN indicator’s calculations. Number of advancing Stocks, Number of Declining Stocks and their respective volumes.
data = nsepy.get_history(symbol=‘NIFTY’, start=start_date, end=end_date, index=True) This returns only 6 columns which unfortunately doesn’t have the data we need to compute TRIN.
You need to define a list of stocks (say stocks in Nifty50) then pull data for those stocks to determine advancing, declining and volumes. Thanks!
Oh, so I have to build that dataframe myself. Got it, Thanks. I wish it was as easy as it was shown on the course lmao.