RL, yet another error

Course Name: Deep Reinforcement Learning in Trading, Section No: 19, Unit No: 2, Unit type: Notebook


FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '../data_modules/trade_logs_price_data.bz2'

What to say? How to pass this impass? 

Hello Antoni, 

The trade_logs_price_data.bz2 file will be created once every 10 episodes of the run function. As per your error message, it looks like the run function didn't save the trade_logs_price_data.bz2 file due to the writing access issue in the course portal. Because of this, you are unable to read the file through the trade_analytics function. 

Please run this notebook in a local system. Please set the 'TEST_MODE' to 'False' in rl_config. Due to restricted writing access and limited resources, this notebook is presented in 'TEST_MODE'. You can take full advantage of the code by running this in your local system with 'TEST_MODE' = 'FALSE'

I hope this helps!    


Dear Varun, I did exactly that on my local.Test_mode = False.  I even lowered the episodes from 90 to 20. It starts, I see the 1/1 etc, but then it comes to Trade 02 and continues without indication of any further assesment. No idea if it is hung or processing (could be endlessly looping). I am using Visul Studio Code. Hard to even move the page. I got midium high level processor andplanty of RAM- so should not be my system. Also it starts working- and then, silence with active processor/fan. So i have no idea what's the issue.

What do you advise? Is there a self'monitoring process so that I can know where it is or if its working properly?


Hello Antoni, 

The self-monitoring process would be to add print statements in the run function available in the quantra_reinforcement_learning.py file in the data_modules folder of the zip file. For example, you can add print statements after adding a state to the memory, after creating a new Q-Table, after updating the NN model with a new Q-Table etc.

I hope this helps!