Quizes on info not mentioned in videos

I am working on Section 2 of the "Getting Started with Algorithmic Trading" course. I see that Units 2-5 of Section 2 are all quick quizes on topics that are not covered in the Unit 1 video (e.g. DMA, HFT). So where should I find the information on DMA and HFT before preceeding to quizes?

Hello Huang, here are the references on DMA and HFT. 

  1. DMA: 

            * Direct Market Access (DMA)

            * Direct Market Access (DMA): Intro, Trading Platforms, Brokers, and More

  2. HFT:


     High Frequency Trading (HFT): History, Basics, Facts, Features, and More

    Thanks for pointing out this issue, the content on DMA and HFT will be added to the course in section 2. 

    I hope this helps!