Quantra_py Python 3.9 not compatible with IBridgePy 3.8 (highest version available)

Course Name: Automated Trading with IBridgePy using Interactive Brokers Platform, Section No: 3, Unit No: 4, Unit type: Document


I followed the steps for setting up the Quantra python environment quantra_py. This environment has Python 3.9.

However IBridgePy has a max version of 3.8. When I attempt run the RUN_ME.py in Spyder (using Python 3.9) I get the following error 

The environment is "Windows Python 39"

IBridgePy package is for "Windows Anaconda 38"

They don't match!

Please visit Algorithmic trading in Python: Download IBridgePy and download the correct IBridgePy package for Windows Anaconda 38

An exception has occurred, use %tb to see the full traceback.

Could you please help?


Hi Satej,

The quantra python environment tries to use the latest Python versions in order to benefit the learners with the updated features of the language. This could mean there could be an incompatibility issue with other service providers.

Having said that, there should not be any major break in the code if it is run on Python 3.8 or 3.9.

If you are already in the quantra_py virtual environment, you can return to base version and try running the "RUN_ME.py" file again.

To do that, you can try the following steps.

In the anaconda terminal, since you have to exit jupyter notebook, press "CTRL" and "C" key together.

You could then deactivate the "quantra_py" environment by typing the command "conda deactivate quantra_py" in the anaconda terminal.

This will deactivate the quantra_py environment and return you to the base environment which should be python 3.8, if you have installed the latest "Anaconda Navigator" version.

Try running the "RUN_ME.py" file and I believe it should work. 

Do let me know if there are any issues.

Hope this helps. Thanks.