Python Task Scheduling in Windows

Hi guys, Can anyone recommend any good alternative to Windows Task Scheduler to schedule running of python files at regular intervals ? I know Linux has a cron job but I primarily work in Windows.

I have been facing 2 issues with Windows Task Scheduler:

a) Not very consistent & stable, sometimes it runs and sometimes it doesn't run. Not sure why. If I disable the job and enable it again, it starts working again properly.

b) With *.py extension it pops up a dos console. There is a way around to it, which is using *.pyw file. I used to use it earler, but somehow it's not working now.

Someone advised me to use Celery beat. But it seems the configuration is tedius.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.



This does more than you're asking for, but you could look into AutoHotkey (, which is a powerful scripting system for Windows.  I think it also has the ability to schedule tasks, but you'll have to check on that.  The syntax is quirky, but it's very powerful.



Thanks Gene.

I will check and keep you posted.