Order book for python

Hello everyone, could you help me to create the order book in python to create my hft algorithm?

thank you for the help. 

Hi Irene,

Can you be a bit more specific about the format of input and the output that you are expecting from the order book?



hi akshay,

i need the order book with best bid and best ask price (for crypto or others stoks) to create an high frequency trading sistem.

like ticketting strategy.

could you help me ?

Hi Irene,

The most efficient and accurate way to get the bid-ask data is through the exchange. However, some brokers also provide this data. You can check with your broker once if they are able to provide L1 bid-ask data. For crypto data, I could find a site which has this provision of providing order book data. You can refer to the following API documentation link for the same - 


Hope this helps!



thank you Akshay, you are always kind and really professional.
