Neural Networks in Trading -- Question

Hi – I'm working through the "Neural Networks in Trading" class and have a question regarding Section 2, Unit 11. It's a jupyter notebook and I'm able to execute all the cells until I get to "Creating the DNN model" but then the cell to import the keras libraries is inexecutable as is the model creation cell. When I get to cell 15 – model.summary() I get the following message:

NameErrorTraceback (most recent call last) in ()

----> 1 model.summary()

NameError: name 'model' is not defined

Can you help with this?


Jim Woodward

Hi Jim,

Thank you for pointing this out. The Ipython notebooks need to be downloaded and run from your local system. The cells containing the code for creating the deep learning model have been converted to the RawNB format, so you will not be able to execute them. You need to downlaod the Ipython notebboks from the last unit of the last section of this course (Section 5 Unit 16). We have changed the instructions at the beginning of the notebook to help you. Please reach out to us incase you have anyother issues. Thank you.

Thanks for the quick response. I’ve followed your instructions and have downloaded the notebook and have executed it to completion. Just two minor points, I needed to install the ‘nsepy’ package and update numpy to the latest version so that ‘nancumsum’ would work. Thanks again.