Need Gym Environment Code

The enviorment you have created is so complex to tweek for use. 

First I need the Enviorment code of the same but for the gym openAI and Stable Baseline

Hi Himanshu, 

In the course, we have used a package independent approach to develop the codes for RL. In this way, you get a lot of flexibility in implementing the RL model as per your need. And by using a python package for RL implementation you would lose out on some flexibility.

But I do understand that you are looking for help in implementing using OpenAI gym, So I believe the below links might be helpful to explore OpenAI gym.

1. Leveraging OpenAI Gym and the Any trading Environment for Trading -

2.  RL with OpenAI gym:

3. Get started with OpenAI Gym:

You can also refer to the following documentation on RL baselines based on OpenAI Baselines

  1. Stable Baselines docs!:

    You can also look into 'TradingGym' which was built similar to the OpenAI Gym framework

  2. Trading Gym -

    Thank you