I try to run my backtest on blueshift with the template code but i got this message error (below).
Can you help me ?
I didn't change nothing of the template…
Blueshift Alert(a477ca17-3f7e-446f-9979-bd6bb6eab6cc)[2024-09-16 13:19:40.044565-04:00](PLATFORM): Algo reported status created:Failed to create algo: Error in line 17, file <>:type object 'spmatrix' has no attribute '__div__'.
Failed to create algo: Error in line 17, file <>:type object 'spmatrix' has no attribute '__div__'.
Blueshift Alert(a477ca17-3f7e-446f-9979-bd6bb6eab6cc)[2024-09-16 13:19:40.050875-04:00](PLATFORM): Removing algo a477ca17-3f7e-446f-9979-bd6bb6eab6cc
Blueshift Alert(a477ca17-3f7e-446f-9979-bd6bb6eab6cc)[2024-09-16 13:19:40.051938-04:00](PLATFORM): Algo run a477ca17-3f7e-446f-9979-bd6bb6eab6cc finished.