Improving Blueshift Skills

Dear Quantra teachers,

I am currently taking the 'day trading strategies for beginners' course. I want to improve my knowledge and skills of blueshift. How do you recommend I can do so ?


Hello Advait,

You can begin by completing the section "Live Trading on Blueshift" (Section 8) of the course. This will help you understand the steps in backtesting, the code structure in Blueshift, and important API methods.

After this, you can work with the live trading template of the 'Gap Up and Down Strategy` available in Section 9. Try to make changes to the provided template and get used to the Blueshift API methods.

Here is another resource you can refer to for a strong understanding of functions in Blueshift: Trading using Technical Indicators on Blueshift.

If you want to explore the advanced capabilities of Blueshift, you can start learning about Pipelines on Blueshift.

If you want to practice more, you can always refer to the 7 default strategy templates provided here.

Happy Learning!